Mitt i: Drones Join the Fight to Keep Beaches Clean in Stockholm

Read the article in Swedish: Gäääs! Drönarkampen mot strandfåglarna är igång | Mitt i Stockholm is taking an innovative approach to address the persistent problem of geese fouling its popular beaches. Using drones, the city aims to create a lasting impact by scaring away the birds, ensuring cleaner beaches and better water quality for everyone. […]

Impact Loop: FLOX Robotics Welcomes Rikard Steiber as New Advisor and Investor

Flox Robotics Welcomes Rikard Steiber as New Advisor and Investor Autonomous wildlife management technology company Flox Robotics has announced the addition of Rikard Steiber as their new advisor and investor. Rikard Steiber is also an angel investor and advisor for companies such as the Swedish unicorn company Einride, Jetson, and Elonroad. Johann Bernövall, Editor and […]

Watch Our Customer Jacob Interviewed on the Swedish National TV

We’re thrilled to share an inspiring update from one of our dedicated customers, Jacob, whose experience was recently featured on Swedish national agriculture television. A Transformative Year for Jacob Since early April, Jacob has been utilizing our advanced drone-deployed system at his farm. This technological intervention has marked a significant turnaround from last year, where […]

Dagens Industri: The Forest Buzzes with Startups

We are thrilled to share that FLOX Robotics has been featured in Dagens Industri’s recent article, ”Skogen surrar av startups” (”The Forest Buzzes with Startups”). The piece highlights the burgeoning influence of startups and innovation companies within the Swedish forestry sector, driven by the opportunities for digitalization and AI. Our team at FLOX Robotics is […]