FLOX Robotics and Swedavia Take Next Steps Using Ai-Equipped Drones Towards Zero Wildlife-Strikes at Kiruna Airport

STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Dec. 14, 2023 (PRESS RELEASE) – FLOX Robotics, a leading technology company on a mission to help humans and wildlife coexist, and Swedavia, the operator of several airports in Sweden, are jointly pioneering an innovative wildlife management solution. Supported by Vinnova’s funding, the aim is to utilize FLOX Robotics-equipped drones for spotting and deterring wildlife, enhancing aviation safety across three of Swedavia’s airports.

After a well done test at Malmö Airport in spring this year, the recent tests at Kiruna Airport conducted in October demonstrated promising results in harsh nordic conditions, and mark the second phase of the 10 million SEK research and innovation work spanning two years.

Kiruna Airport, the northernmost airport in Sweden and operated by Swedavia, handled around 120 677 passengers in 2021. Over the years, the airport’s significance has grown due to the ongoing relocation of the town of Kiruna, increased mining activities, and a thriving tourism industry.

The current challenge at Kiruna Airport involves manual patrolling of runways to mitigate wildlife challenges. FLOX Robotics’ advanced drone-based system successfully detected and repelled hares, elks, birds, and a fox. And the solution also proved to be effective in spotting hidden white birds in the snow.

Bird strikes and small animals pose a challenge to aviation safety, especially during take-off and landing. FLOX Robotics’ drone-based wildlife management technology, tested at Kiruna, introduced automatic flights to spot and repel wildlife, promising safer operations with higher efficiency.

Sara Nozkova, CEO & Co-founder at FLOX, emphasized the project’s significance, stating, “Wildlife management at airports is a global challenge that has yet to find a sustainable and efficient solution. The results from Kiruna fuel our optimism for the positive influence we can have in advancing aviation safety on a global scale.”

For media inquiries, please contact: Sara Nozkova, CEO & Co-founder FLOX Robotics, [email protected]

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