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FLOX Robotics and WWF Partner to Protect Livestock against Wolves in Sweden
26 Jun, 2024

FLOX Robotics and WWF Partner to Protect Livestock against Wolves in Sweden

FLOX Robotics is thrilled to announce a two-year contract with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), focusing on deploying our autonomous wildlife management solutions to protect livestock from wolf attacks. This collaboration aims to foster co-adaptation between humans and wolves, ensuring sustainable coexistence.

Under this contract, FLOX Robotics will implement its autonomous herding technologies, both applied on stationary units and dock-based drones, at various sites in Sweden where livestock face significant threats from wolves. Our cutting-edge drone technology will help deter wolves and alert livestock owners to potential dangers.

”We are excited to work with WWF, a global organization that shares our mission to help humans and wildlife coexist,” said Sara Nozkova, CEO and co-founder of FLOX Robotics. ”Our goal is to deploy our technologies to divert wolves away from livestock effectively day and night, when needed.”

”The goal of this initiative is to contribute to viable predator populations and a predator management system that is long-term and predictable. We want the work to continue so that both humans and large predators can thrive and live together,,” said Benny Gäfvert, Senior Predator Expert at WWF.

Through this partnership, FLOX Robotics and WWF will contribute significantly to reducing the number of predator attacks on livestock and improving overall predator management strategies in Sweden.

For more information about Flox Robotics and our innovative solutions, visit Flox Robotics. To learn more about WWF’s predator programs, visit WWF Sweden.

About Flox Robotics

Flox Robotics develops drone technology with tailored acoustic signals to warn livestock owners of nearby predators. Our mission is to enhance livestock protection and reduce the impact of predator attacks using advanced technology.

About WWF

WWF is one of the world’s leading conservation organizations, working in nearly 100 countries to support the preservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources. In Sweden, WWF focuses on promoting viable predator populations and sustainable predator management.

For press inquiries, please contact:

Flox Robotics Sara Nozkova, CEO Email: [email protected]

WWF Sweden Benny Gäfvert, Senior Predator Expert Email: [email protected]


Featured in media: WWF miljonsatsar på svenska rovdjur (

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